International business center
An International Business Center (IBC) is a company incorporated in Thailand. with network companies in foreign countries to support the service

The qualifications of being an IBC company must provide the following services. one or more items

  • Business Administration, Planning and Management
  • Receiving-delivering raw materials or workpieces
  • Research and development
  • Technical Support
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Human Resource Training and Development
  • Consulting services for financial management
  • Credit Control and Management
  • Treasury Center
    international trade
    Other services approved by the Board of Investment

If you are interested in establishing an international business center in Thailand, Pongpanich Accounting can help you. from a complex and difficult process Our legal team will make it through this process quickly.

Advantages of an International Business Center

international business center It offers many benefits. Firstly, foreigners can become major shareholders. Or can be 100% owned and able to bring foreigners into the service as well There will be visas and work permits for foreigners working in such companies.

more than that international business center still have the full right to own the land which is different from other businesses That the company must be 51% owned by Thai people, so this is a significant benefit.

In addition, the international business center can also send foreign currency or run various businesses Research and development can training Without having to pay import duties for bringing tools into Thailand which is considered conducive to doing business well

Comprehensive tax benefits for 15 years with lower tax rates. If the annual expense is at least 600 million baht per year, the tax rate will be reduced by 3% and 5% if the annual expense is not less than 300 million baht, and 8% for at least 60 million baht per year.

Tax exemption for all dividends paid to foreign shareholders Including interest payments on loans related to the treasurer. By exempting from this tax Payments must be made to overseas beneficiaries only.

income from taxation It is also exempt from certain business taxes. And foreign employees who are eligible to benefit from the personal income tax rate as well in a tax of 15 percent of income.

Disadvantages of an International Business Hub

Disadvantages for international business centers Pongpanich Accounting’s legal team can examine these disadvantages in detail for you. If you are not sure how to set up an international business center Is it right for your company?

First, setting up an international business center quite tricky Many and accurate documents must be prepared. Otherwise it won’t be approved, but Pongpanich Accounting can make it easy. It will collect documents for you.

Pongpanich Accounting’s legal team will handle it all. Get rid of all your worries.

Revocation of benefits may also occur. If the tax conditions are not met within one year will not receive a tax deduction and if the conditions are not met for two consecutive years may lose the status of the company and can be withdrawn

Thailand has already established an appropriate transfer price for international business centers. This can be confusing. It is therefore important to obtain legal advice before doing business in Thailand.

Legal requirements

Businesses must meet diverse needs. to start an international business center in Thailand

  • First of all, an international business center. financial services required or support services to affiliated companies located overseas. These services must comply with guidelines under Thai law. If the company acts as a depository center, it must have at least 5 or 10 qualified employees.
  • Financial Terms The company must invest at least 1 million baht and have a minimum registered capital of 10 million baht at the end of each accounting period. And must be at least 60 million baht with annual operating expenses in Thailand alone

Period for establishing an international business center

Pongpanich Accounting is here to help you have a regional operating headquarters. international trade center quickly which you must hurry and apply now because this option is about to be terminated

just fill out the application and when approved You will immediately receive the benefits provided by the International Business Center.

If you do not have any of the above mentioned businesses You must collect documents and go through the application process. It must contain the type of business, business plan, and related information about affiliated companies. Information about foreigners requesting a reduction in the income tax rate when the document has been prepared You must submit documents to the Director General of the Revenue Department. and wait for approval If your documents are in order and that the application has been properly prepared The approval process will be quick.

international business center It is a good choice to expand your business. Because tax benefits are good for investors. and can greatly increase your income But applying is quite difficult. Everything must be in accordance with the rules.

Let Pongpanich Accounting’s legal team have the skills and experience to help foreigners start their business in Thailand. Manage your documents Because whether you want to change your existing business or want to start an international business center We will handle it for you from start to finish.